34739 éléments (3198 non lus) dans 75 canaux
Il est très difficile de penser à une façon appropriée d'exprimer le deuil, mais nous savons que les larmes ne suffisent pas. Nous savons comment pleurer. La vraie question est : Comment allons-nous nous défendre ?
- Articles, déclarations et poèmes sur le drame du 6 décembre 1989Les semaines se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas, vous le comprendrez sûrement à partir de vendredi si vous nous suivez sur notre Snapchat ‘lefapclub‘. Avec nos tous petits moyens (n’allez surtout pas croire qu’on roule sur l’or, on est même plutôt dans une situation complexe en ce moment), on tente quelques trucs. Quand je dis « truc », j’ose pas trop en dire plus, mais il se pourrait bien qu’on arrive prochainement par la petite porte de ManyVids. Ce teasing chelou mis à part, je vous laisse avec nos gifs de la semaine. Vous les aimez, nous aussi, on est bien. – Gonzo
Comment résister ? Comment ne pas craquer devant les petits squirts de Mary Moody et son sourire trop mignon ? Difficile effectivement. Si votre coeur est bien accroché, vous pouvez aller regarder ses 9 vidéos ou la suivre sur Twitter puisque c’est écrit dessus. Voici un petit concentré de homemade dirty et trognon. – Gonzo
Mary Moody – Pornhub Amateur
Vous rêvez d’une fellation sur la banquise ? Sexy Bacchus l’a réalisé pour vous. Entre papa et maman pingouin, la température grimpe à en faire fondre l’antarctique. Ici, la bite de monsieur est aussi raide qu’un Mister Freeze alors attention au réchauffement climatique qui pourrait affecter la surface glacée, on mange pas tout d’un coup, n’est-ce pas mademoiselle ? – Manon des Sources
Saffron Bacchus – Sexy Saffron
Besoin d’un petit remontant ? Une bonne fessée fera l’affaire. Cul en l’air et lingerie en dentelle coupée-décalée, ça swing chez Wowporn. En tout cas on peut dire que monsieur est comblé avec ces deux jeunes demoiselles aux postérieurs très promoteurs. Ces superbes paires de fesses sont à la fois une promesse pour des lendemains meilleurs et pour des instants enchanteurs. Une vraie claque au petit réveil. – Manon des Sources
Cherry & Divina – Wowporn
Je vous ai bien tanné cette année avec Krissy Lynn mais comptez sur moi pour qu’en 2017 ce soit pareil. Cette scène dont le concept de cuckolding se résume à faire sur-jouer son « mec » est bien plus qu’un énième prétexte foireux, c’est un résumé de toute la perversion joyeuse qui anime mes faps. Les quelques secondes de ce gif maison issu de ma bibliothèque perso suffit à me faire tourner l’oeil. Sachez que j’ai bien du regarder cette vidéo une bonne trentaine de fois sans JAMAIS m’en lasser. Jpp. – Gonzo
Krissy Lynn, Jon Jon, Shane Diesel & Sean Michaels – CuckoldSessions
Souvenir d’une scène vue au PornFilmFestival Berlin. Probablement celle que j’aurais rêvée de tourner moi-même. Monter sur scène, être la star de la barre de strip-tease, et choisir dans le public celui qui aura la chance de me prendre en levrette après le show, mais toujours sur scène, sous la lumière des projecteurs, et sentir des mains s’agripper à mes hanches, et tendre la mienne pour caresser le torse de l’heureux élu. On peut rêver, non ? – Carmina.
Poppy Cox , Danny Dips – Birthday Surprise de Paulita Pappel
Photo en une : la vertigineuse Mary Moody pour Penthouse
“This is a major challenge for sex educators as it makes it difficult to identify their audience and target their online messages by search words, especially when you add in to the mix censorship and algorithms used online to ban content deemed explicit. … Social media giants Google and Facebook exercise another form of censorship. Through algorithms, they are deciding what can be shared and what cannot, and our research has found that what is deemed explicit is often surprising.”
* Online censors are a barrier to sex education (SciDev)
“Whatever the case, Lilly stands out in a community dominated by men. “Women who love robots are more rare than men generally,” she said. In fact, Lilly calls herself the female robosexual pioneer, and for the past year has been in a relationship with a robot named InMoovator.”
* Lilly and InMoovator: Engaged Human-Robot Couple Want Right to Marry (Future of Sex)
“…most sex writing sucks because their authors love their metaphors and adverbs, and fail to grasp the concept of less is more. My approach was to show, don’t tell. Again, that’s both Going to the Body, and another technique called Recording Angel… You show the reader details without judgement (no labeling anything as good, bad, sexy, whatever), and let her unpack the details and reassemble them in her mind as she reads. Trust the reader to come to her own conclusion… To take ownership in the creation of the scene and story as she reads it. Far more powerful that way.”
* Tyler Knight, Exxx-Black Porn God, on Writing Memoir, Sex, and Dangerous Writing (Huffington Post, via Jiz Lee)
“The Syrian crisis, after five years, is considered the biggest emergency in human terms since the World War II. It has left almost five million women of reproductive age, without adequate proper sexual and reproductive health education, vulnerable and in need of assistance.”
* Early marriage and pregnancy among Syrian adolescent girls in Jordan; do they have a choice? (Taylor & Francis Online)
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“Although Red States consume porn at higher rates than Blue, the Republican Party has declared porn a “public health crisis.” … On the heels of [this], then Presidential nominee Trump took a pledge to crack down on pornography if elected President. ”
* Are the Republicans Coming For Your Porn? (Paste Magazine)
“APAC currently offers educational resources for new performers on its website, but now the group is working on a more formal support network, according to Mickey Mod, the group’s vice president: “The mentoring program-to-be is going to pair new performers with veteran performers to give guidance, address certain needs, and point them towards resources. It will be more personal and more connected than performers going to a website.””
* Who’s Teaching the Next Generation of Pornographers? (Mel Magazine)
Incredible article. “HIV didn’t just kill bodies. It killed a type of sex as well, a type of pleasure. It erased the possibility of my body and another meeting, one moment, without my mortality there too, watching. Sex is this: another body, my body, my mortality, all naked for me to see. I knew about HIV and death before I knew I was gay. I knew about death then, and that being gay might be deadly, and now I sleep with men.”
* AIDS Taught Me Sex Was Deadly. A Pill Changed That. (Village Voice)
“This time last year chemsex, the scene of gay men who use disinhibiting drugs during sex, was a buzzword in the news and a cause of moral panic. The British Medical Journal released a warning that chemsex parties were causing a spike in HIV rates, Viceland released a documentary following some of those in the scene, and think pieces poured over what the parties suggested about society and the LGBT community.”
* Meet the man at the centre of the fight to help those addicted to chemsex (Independent)
Removing contraception and abortion access on this scale will affect the ability of women to have careers, especially ones that require education, like tech. “Under a Donald Trump presidency, sex is about to get a lot less fun. That’s because Trump has tapped Tom Price, an anti-abortion and anti-contraception congressman from Georgia, as his director of Health and Human Services. Price is an opponent of the Affordable Care Act and a proponent of defunding Planned Parenthood, an organization that serves more than 2.5 million patients, many of them low-income, every year.”
* Why sex is about to get a lot less fun (CNN)
“Nevertheless, directors like Houston believe porn can be feminist and ethical both in how it’s made and how it engages an audience. “The only way that we’re going to change porn is by getting in the game, not being anti-porn.” … But even as the movement gathers steam, it faces setbacks. “You say feminist, and then you get into what’s feminist and everybody fights,” says Houston. … Moreover, feminist porn faces the same struggle as mainstream porn and other media: how to make a profitable product when consumers expect content for free. Its creators worry feminist porn could fizzle out just as it comes into its own.”
* Fresh Flowers, Plenty of Lube: Inside the World of Feminist Porn (Rolling Stone)
“… For example, nearly half of asexual women and three quarters of asexual men reported both experiencing sexual fantasy and masturbating, despite reporting a lack of sexual attraction to other people and identifying as asexual. Further, there was significant overlap in the sexual fantasies experienced by participants, regardless of their asexual or sexual status.”
* What Asexual People Sexually Fantasize About (NY Mag)
“If you write, make art, shoot film, or create anything about human sexuality, on most platforms you simply can’t be found. You are silenced, or not allowed. Or you get banned. … Erotic art, writing, and film is a declaration of humanity, and it is the backbone of free speech. It is who they come for first when they start censoring, taking away rights (just ask sex workers), taking away your access to business and distribution tools, and it is where we see the most hypocrisy and double standards in enforcement and rule-making.”
* Fight censorship: Support erotic art and writing for #GivingTuesday (TinyNibbles)
Main post image via Lesbian Pulp Bot.
The post Sunday Sex Reads: Best of the Week appeared first on Violet Blue ® | Open Source Sex.
Le viol et la culture du viol soit un gros problème et je soutiens sur NXPL à 100% toutes les initiatives pour dénoncer la culture du viol et faire évoluer l’état d’esprit de la société sur ce sujet. A ce propos les États Unis et d’autres pays sont en train de se distinguer par une mise…
Cet article La culture du consentement pour lutter contre le viol est apparu en premier sur NXPL.